Bishop Thomas L. Brown, Sr., Presiding Prelate
Dr. Louise Baker Brown, First Lady & Advisor
Quadrennial Theme for 2022-2026
Be Bold: Face Now, Embrace Next, See New
We are Methodist committed to sharing the necessity of grace for the lives of every person and relationship to the end that everyone will experience the restoration that God offers us in Jesus Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit. Because we believe that grace is the fundamental quality of God’s presence and activity among us, we desire that everyone will come to know God’s love, blessing, forgiveness and restoration. Through the ministers of our roughly 300 hundred churches we are devoted to serving the needs of all persons regardless of their status in the world offering them the loving presence, compassionate provisions, and empowering grace of our faith. Therefore, this website is designed to help you navigate a more encouraging and inspired life given the resources and offerings found as you surf this site. Our aim is to ensure that you will discover relevant and productive resources necessary for your walk of faith within one of our local communities of faith or some other communion.
Now a brief word about the Sixth Episcopal District. The Sixth Episcopal District is one of the eleven episcopal districts comprising the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church; the Sixth District’s heritage goes back to the prior to the official birth of the denomination. Prior to the beginning of the CME Church, December 16, 1870, there was a Georgia Conference. Upon the beginning of the CME Church, the Georgia Conference initially included portions of Florida and briefly some portions of South Carolina. The Sixth Episcopal District is comprised of four annual conferences, nine presiding elders’ district and roughly 300 hundred local churches.
Notably the Sixth Episcopal District, CME Church has been led by such personalities as Bishop Lucius Henry Holsey, Dr. Channing Tobias, Attorney Donald L. Hollowell, Commissioner Emma I. Darnell and a host of other outstanding leaders. Our District is the home of Paine College, Augusta, Georgia and has the history of pioneering private education for African Americans from its inception. Inspired and led by the visionary leadership of Bishop Lucius H. Holsey, the CME Church in Georgia began multiple educational enterprises to include: Holsey Industrial Institute, Helena B. Cobb Industrial Institute for girls, the Hariett Holsey and Hartwell Institute. Paine College is the most notable brainchild of Bishop Holsey.
Our Theme:
“Back to Basics”: Vibrant Congregations experiencing explosive Worship – encouraging Christian Formation – Making a Joyful Witness and cheerfully giving
To follow Jesus Christ by serving all people, communities and the world as we represent Christ in our relationships and service offered.
To offer Jesus Christ as the transformer and liberating power for all God’s people.
To resource and empower our local congregations to serve effectively this generation with hope, courage and compassionate love.
Rules for Holy Living
“The General Rules”
Persons who are serious about their salvation will show fruits of their desire by:
A. Doing no one hard, and avoiding evil of every kind.
B. Doing good, and expressing every kind of mercy to as many persons as possible.
C. Being diligent in the spiritual disciplines of regular prayer, worship of God with a congregation of the faithful,
attending those services of the Lord’s Supper, prayer meeting and Bible study, fasting and abstinence, visiting the
sick, clothing the naked, advocating for the imprisoned and pursuing the welfare of people especially those who
are poor among us.
Some Reading Resources for Groups and Local Congregations
Renovate Or Die: Ten Ways To Focus Your Church On Mission by Bob Farr with Kay Kotan.
A. Brief Outline:
a. Session One: Ten Ways to Renovate Your Church
1. “Starts with the Pastor”
2. “Understand Your Present Reality”
3. “Get the Basics Right”
4. “Create Momentum”
5. “Inspire through Experiential Worship with Life-Application Preaching
6. “Think Strategies. Not Programs”
7. “Staffing for Leadership”
8. “Disciple with Clear Steps”
9. “Network, Network, Network, and Then Market”
10. “Dare to Simplify the Structure”
b. Section Two: Five Strategies for Judicatory Leadership
1. Overview: Changing the Conference Culture
2. Strategy One: Reorganize Roles and Resources
3. Strategy Two: Provide Every Pastor a Continuous Learning Community”
4. Strategy Three: Coach for Performance”
5. Strategy Four: Consult, Evaluate, and Hold Yourselves Accountable”
6. “Strategy Five: Engage Laity”
7. Conclusion: Be a Five Practice Church”
2. Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Robert Schnase. An Outline Overview:
a. “The Practice of Radical Hospitality”
b. “The Practice of Passionate Worship”
c. “The Practice of Intentional Faith Development”
d. “The Practice of Risk-Taking Mission and Service”
e. “The Practice of Extravagant Generosity”
f. “Excellence and Fruitfulness”
“I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old shall dream dreams, and your young shall see visions”
Joel 2:28