Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield, General Secretary
CME CED Church School VIRTUAL Lesson Available for 11/29/2020
View on the CME Department of Christian Education & Formation YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/80kiWGVPChA
We are pleased to share with you the success of last week's Virtual Sunday School as published by the CME Department of Christian Education & Formation. The CME CED Church School YouTube Channel Videos have been viewed over 15,000 times since we created the YouTube Channel on March 20, 2020. As committed, we offer to you this week's Virtual Sunday School Lesson, "Sharing Love in Truth" with Dr. Carmichael D. Crutchfield, CME General Secretary as its instructor. We also welcome Mrs.Emma Reagor, Director of Christian Education and Formation, 9th Episcopal District who offers this week's prayer The video includes music, scripture, lecture, challenge, and application. It may be utilized in concert with your existing Sunday School or in substitution given the personal distancing parameters we are experiencing. For example, this video might be viewed by members in your congregations with a conference call held during the regular Sunday School period to offer facilitated discussion and review. There are CME Certified Christian Educators across the Episcopal Districts ready to offer assistance and creative solutions in concert with what we have done and are doing. Even during this crisis, we must be concerned about the spiritual needs of our congregations in addition to their physical and health needs. We welcome your feedback as we seek to expand the resources from the Department of Christian Education & Formation.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to those who have been affected by this unprecedented event affecting the world today. We especially appreciate the healthcare workers, local communities and government entities around the country who are working tirelessly to contain COVID-19.
Feel free to forward this email to anyone in your Sunday School circle. They may subscribe directly to this announcement by sending an email to sundayschool@thecmechurchced.org . Remember our MISSION Formula: Formation + Nurture + Leadership = MISSION Our goal is to make disciples through "events that form and transform."