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Witness to Grace: A Testimony of Favor

Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson just released a new book, Witness to Grace: A Testimony of Favor, about the extraordinary grace of God. The book isa poignant memoir – a story of resilience, strength, and determination and a testament of his remarkable life’s journey as a renowned religious leader and Civil Rights advocate. If ever there was a time when we need to be reminded of God’s grace, it’s now.

Order a copy of “Witness to Grace” on Cyber Monday, November 30, 2020! Also,

purchase another copy to give to a friend to help achieve the goal of supporting historically

Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). 10% of the Cyber Monday sales will be donated to

Dr. Richardson’s alma mater, Virginia Union University, and the United Negro College Fund

for HBCUs. Dr. Richardson writes about the importance of supporting HBCUs in his book

and backs it up with this project.

In addition to supporting HBCUs, we can help Dr. Richardson achieve best-seller status on

Amazon and other best-seller lists. It has come to my attention that there are simply not

enough African American authors, and religious and social justice leaders represented on

the major best-seller lists. In order to accomplish this, an author needs to sell thousands of

copies during a concentrated period of time, like Cyber Monday. Our church believes now is

a critical moment in time when we can begin to change this. We believe in Dr. Richardson’s

message of equality and hope and he has certainly written a book that is worthy of this

status. Let’s come together to make this a reality.

If you have ever questioned the value of your purpose, the significance of your future, and

your capacity to overcome obstacles, Witness to Grace is a must-read. To learn more, visit

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