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100 Year Old Centenarian of the CME Church Casts Vote for the 2020 Presidential Election

Dear CME Family,

On November 3, 2020, 100 year old Helen Bookman, cast her vote for the 2020 Presidential Election in Tahoka, Texas, being the oldest to vote in the Lynn County elections. She is less than one month from turning 101 (on December 1st).

Mrs. Bookman is the mother of the late Presiding Elder Andrew Nance of the Northwest Texas Region (formerly) (Lubbock-Amarillo-Wichita Falls/Midland-Abilene Districts) and 8th Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.

She is a long time member of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church for over 70 years. Helen Bookman is the grandmother of Rev. Jacqueline Nance Cockerham, Pastor  of New Mount Zion C.M.E. Church-New Smyrna Beach, Florida.

Mrs. Bookman has 3 grandchildren, 3 great grandsons, and 1 great-great grandson, and is the mother-in-law of Mrs. Bennie Nance (wife of the late Presiding Elder Andrew Nance).

Helen Bookman is featured in the news:

To God Be The Glory For A Blessed Life!!!

Pastor Jacqueline Nance Cockerham

Presiding Bishop Teresa Jefferson-Snorton, Fifth Episcopal District

Senior Bishop Lawrence Reddick, Eighth Episcopal District

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